Mental health and well-being

Well-being support

At the Elizabeth School of London (ESL) we are dedicated to fostering an all-inclusive atmosphere that prioritises emotional well-being and provides support to all students, especially those who face mental health challenges. Our well-being Team at ESL are here to support you and provide a safe and confidential place for you to talk through any difficulties you may be experiencing, such as:
  • Anxiety,
  • Low mood and depression,
  • Stress,
  • Ongoing medical conditions and/or disabilities affecting your studies,
  • Mental health problems,
  • Autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia,
  • Long-term health conditions.

Disability support

The Well-being Department ensures that you can arrange academic support and adjustments if you have a disability, mental health problems or long-term health condition that has an impact on your ability to study.

How do you access support?

If you need academic adjustments or extra support, you will need to provide medical evidence or a formal report. In most cases medical evidence will be a letter from your doctor (General Practitioner or GP), or other appropriate health care professional. If you are unsure of what evidence to provide you can email us for further advice.

What support is available?

Support is flexible and based on needs. We can discuss it on a case-by-case basis and assess what your best options are. At ESL, we also have partnerships with a third party that can arrange note-takers, one-to-one support, and further assistance.


Campus support sessions

If you are finding things difficult, it is important to know that you do not have to struggle alone. We can help you find support and we provide drop-in sessions which will be notified to you on campuses via email/in classrooms or provides 30-minute confidential one-to-one meetings. We will assist you in the best possible support capacity and help you engage in an enjoyable study time at ESL.

Digital mental health and well-being services

Reach our Student well-being Department for support

TogetherAll 24/7 mental health and well-being support

The Samaritans 24/7 free phone call support

Mental Health Matters Helpline

Savelink for reporting Sexual Violence and Assault

Harassment, Assault, and Bullying

The Monitoring Group is well-established anti-racist organisation in the UK

Disability and inclusion services

Our specialised Student Disability team provides comprehensive support to students with disabilities, including diagnostic assessments, dyslexia screenings, and customized learning plans. Additionally, the well-being Department and our partnership with Randstad offer extensive academic support and one-to-one assistance to ensure academic success and retention.

Student activities

Well-being workshops

Here at ESL, the Well-being Team are committed to providing you with the mental health support you require. To reach more of our students, we organise wellbeing workshops at all our campuses to address various topics around mental health and wellbeing in a group setting by using psychodrama techniques. Here you can engage in our workshops with your fellow students who are experiencing the similar wellbeing difficulties as you.

Well-being events

At ESL, we want our students to have a holistic learning experience. To support you in this, we celebrate recognised Well-being Event Days in your calendar, such as World Mental Health Day and International Day of Happiness. We hope to involve you in our events and networking spaces which will allow great growth and interaction with your classmates and advisors at ESL.